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January 30, 2015
It’s National School Choice Week, a time for parents, students and teachers around the country to celebrate and recognize the diversity of school options available to kids. Sometimes all those options can be overwhelming — Eugene School District 4J alone has five alternative elementary schools. Read more »
January 30, 2015
As it’s National School Choice Week, I wanted to see how Republican presidential hopefuls measure up on their actions to increase school choice Read more »
January 30, 2015
Pennsylvania could be a lot friendlier to public charter schools. That’s the message delivered by a pair of independent reports that call for an equitable funding formula and more hospitable policies for the state’s charter schools. Read more »
January 29, 2015
Utahns are hearing some strange political noises these days. State lawmakers, mostly conservative to the core, are entering a legislative session with a booming economy — December’s unemployment rate was 3.5 percent — and a healthy state surplus — estimated at $638 million — and yet many voices are calling for tax increases. Read more »
January 29, 2015
Economist and author Thomas Sowell has a way of very succinctly articulating profound truths. The Cato Institute tweeted one such nugget as the country celebrates National School Choice Week. Read more »
January 29, 2015
Maryland’s public charter schools feel stifled under current state laws that keep them under the authorization and governance of local school boards, but the creation of separate charter school boards could cost taxpayers and students much more. Read more »
January 28, 2015
State lawmakers are holding a public hearing about the possibility of allowing public charter schools in West Virginia. Read more »
January 28, 2015
A D.C. charter school funding lawsuit that claims the city is in violation of federal law could challenge how the nation’s capital governs itself. Read more »
January 26, 2015
Teachers and support staff at a Columbus-based charter school have started the organizing process and plan to join the state's largest teachers' union, the Ohio Education Association, according to The Columbus Dispatch. Read more »
January 26, 2015
School Choice Week has grown from 150 events in 2011 to more than 11,000 events coming up this week around the country. Read more »