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March 20, 2014
Oregon received a “C” for its charter school laws, ranking 26th out of 43 states, according to a report released Wednesday by the Center for Education Reform. Read more »
March 19, 2014
The Center for Education Reform, which supports the growth of publicly financed, privately led charter schools, says Tennessee’s charter laws amount to a “C” grade and rank 22nd out of 42 states with charters. Read more »
March 18, 2014
In this 20th anniversary of the advent of charter schools in Michigan, the national Center for Education Reform has ranked the state a high fourth place in providing state policies and laws that allow the independent public academies to grow and thrive, including state aid legislation that guarantees funding that is equal to traditional public school districts. Read more »
March 17, 2014
Most states throughout the country need laws that give charter schools more flexibility to grow in order to accommodate the demand and anticipated growth of school-aged children during the next two decades, according to a report released Monday from the Center for Education Reform. Read more »
March 17, 2014
More than a thousand Tennessee parents trekked to Nashville in January to rally in favor of school choice. Lawmakers there are listening. Read more »
March 12, 2014
With Medicaid and mental health dominating Virginia’s legislative session, lawmakers left a few important issues in the dust. When it comes to tax dollars and free markets, here are the top three missed opportunities for progress. Read more »
March 7, 2014
Charter school authorizers in Minnesota whose schools fall in the lowest 25 percent of public schools could be required to close those schools or submit an explanation to the state. Read more »
March 5, 2014
President Barack Obama's 2015 budget request increases education funding 2 percent over the previous year, cheering many education advocates, and proposes a revamped Race to the Top competition that focuses on opportunity for all students and a tobacco tax to pay for a previously-announced preschool expansion effort. Read more »
March 5, 2014
During a Legislature that at times has resembled a scavenger hunt for laws that solve imaginary problems and that pad political resumes for upcoming elections, the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee has so far done its work well, and delivered an education funding package truly in the people’s long-term interest. Read more »
March 5, 2014
Latest teacher union stunt to discredit charter schools rings hollow. As I have written before – as recently as last Tuesday – the teachers unions have a schizoid relationship with charter schools. Read more »