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June 3, 2019
 Innovation spurred by charter schools has improved student outcomes, created more personalized and customized learning environments for students, and driven innovation in traditional schools that would have otherwise not occurred. Read more in this essay featuring  Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of CER and Nina Rees, the President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools  Read more »
January 25, 2019
CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen was interviewed this week in light of the deal struck in Los Angeles that ended the teacher strike in the nation’s second largest school district. Jeanne discussed the politics of the strike as well as the implications of the deal. CER also spoke to journalists at  the Washington Post, […] Read more »
January 11, 2019
CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen was featured in several publications this week regarding the upcoming teacher strike in Los Angeles, which is home to the second largest school district in the nation. The strike would affect nearly half a million students, their families and 63,000 district employees and would be the first in nearly […] Read more »
January 10, 2019
KABC-FM, Larry O’Connor Show January 10, 2019 Center for Education Reform founder Jeanne Allen responds on ‘LA Teacher Strike’  Read more »
March 29, 2018
Once the most promising public school reform available to students, charter schools have stalled. From 1993–2009, the number of charter schools grew from 10 percent–15 percent each year.1 In the 2015 school year, the number of charters increased by just 7 percent. In 2016, school growth dropped dramatically to 2 percent.2 All the while, charter school enrollment has grown steadily each year. However, that masks the real story: Demands for charter opportunities outstrip supply by at least a million students. Read more »
July 26, 2017
Statement from the Center for Education Reform:  Randi Weingarten’s smug obstinacy in refusing to accept responsibility for her slur against reformers is disturbing. [U.S. News & World Report, July 24, 2017]Clearly, she believes staying on message—no matter how insulting that message is to African-Americans and people of color throughout the nation—is more important than honesty, fairness, […] Read more »
July 20, 2017
STATEMENT BY JEANNE ALLEN, FOUNDER AND CEO “AFT president Randi Weingarten’s characterization of education reform parents and advocates as racists akin to the southern segregationists of the past, is not just ill-advised hyperbole, it is a deeply offensive, highly inflammatory insult to all the parents and people – of all races, backgrounds, and regions – […] Read more »
July 10, 2017
On Sunday July 9th, Center for Education Reform board member David Hardy, who just retired as President of Boys’ Latin Charter of Philadelphia was on Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly. Watch the appearance here. Read more »
Darrell Allison
July 6, 2017
As you know, the Supreme Court recently handed down a victory for school choice in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer. Last night, our friend Darrell Allison, the president of Parents for Educational Freedom, appeared on Special Report with Bret Baier to discuss the case. Here’s the segment: Read more »
June 30, 2017
On a beautiful Monday evening in June, 2017, the Center for Education Reform convened the leaders of the charter school movement from across the country and every state, with VIPs from Washington and American business in a unique salute to the innovation and opportunity that so many charter schools afford kids and families. The reception […] Read more »