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September 9, 2013
Louisiana ranks fourth nationwide in a survey of efforts to give parents and guardians the power to choose the best education for their children, according to the latest rankings from the Center for Education Reform. Read more »
September 4, 2013
A national report continues to praise Louisiana's school choice programs but warns the state's fourth-in-the-nation ranking -- and parents' power in their children's education -- could be in jeopardy because of a federal lawsuit that could halt vouchers in districts under desegregation orders. Read more »
September 3, 2013
Michigan placed just outside the top 10 on a national education reform group's annual rankings of "parent power" for making educational choices. Read more »
August 29, 2013
A black education group is calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to drop a federal lawsuit filed Friday by the Department of Justice (DOJ) that would halt the expansion of Louisiana’s school voucher program beyond the current 8,000 recipients because doing so will adversely affect low-income minority families who “simply want to get their children into the best possible schools.” Read more »
August 27, 2013
by Katie Ash Ed Week August 26, 2013 The U.S. Department of Justice has filed papers in the U.S. District Court in New Orleans to prevent the state of Louisiana from providing school vouchers in districts operating under desegregation orders. The motion, which was filed last Thursday, asserts that vouchers have been given to students […] Read more »
August 22, 2013
by Kenric Ward August 22, 2013 Republicans support them. Democrats like them. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all embrace them. So why does Virginia keep getting F’s on charter schools? “Lack of leadership” in Richmond, says Jeanne Allen, president of the national Center for Education Reform, which grades states’ charter laws. […] Read more »
August 22, 2013
This year's annual PDK/Gallup Poll on American attitudes toward public schools found that while charter schools enjoy broad support, many of those surveyed—70 percent—oppose vouchers for private school tuition. Read more »
August 15, 2013
By Dan Way Asheville Tribune August 14, 2013 School choice advocates won several high-profile battles this year over bills to expand and strengthen the charter school movement and to award private school vouchers to students struggling in public schools. “The great news for families is that the charter school reforms approved by the legislature provide […] Read more »
August 6, 2013
by T. Rees Shapiro Washington Post August 6, 2013 Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) met with state education leaders on Monday in Fairfax for a summit on public schools, discussing student loan debt, teacher compensation and low-performing schools. “Regardless of your Zip code,” McDonnell told attendees, “You ought to be guaranteed a world-class teacher […] Read more »
July 29, 2013
Choice Media Ed Reform Minute for Monday, July 29. When was the last time you heard of this happening in the same week: A state gets rid of teacher tenure, launches two voucher programs, and helps increase funding to charter schools? That was the news last week from North Carolina. Before we break it down, […] Read more »