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July 26, 2013
The Washington-based Center for Education Reform, one of the most visible advocacy groups for charter schools and school choice, has announced that Kara Kerwin will become the next president of the group. Read more »
July 17, 2013
Charter schools turn 21 this year. In that time, these privately run, publicly funded schools have spread to 41 states and enrolled more than 2 million students. But one key question lingers: Do kids in charter schools learn more than kids in traditional public schools? Read more »
July 3, 2013
It's disheartening to read the June 26 headline "Study: Pa. in Bottom Three for Charter School Scores," especially when the study is so flawed. T Read more »
July 2, 2013
by Hailey Heinz Albuquerque Journal July 1, 2013 The math scores of New Mexico charter school students improved significantly less than the scores of their traditional school counterparts, according to a new national study that tracked average year-over-year gains from 2007 to 2011. The study found no difference in the reading gains of charter vs. […] Read more »
June 27, 2013
by Jeanette Rundquist The Star-Ledger June 26, 2013 Students in charter schools fared better than those in traditional public schools in some states — including New Jersey — but a majority of charters across the United States still deliver no better education than traditional public schools in reading, and 40 percent are about the same […] Read more »
June 18, 2013
by Amanda Browning Greensburg Daily News June 17, 2013 School Choice Indiana will hold an informational meeting for Decatur County parents interested in learning more about the tuition voucher program. Supporters of the voucher program argue that all schools are not created equal. Whether it be due to the class quality, funding, or some other […] Read more »
June 12, 2013
Download or print your PDF copy of Highlights From The Best Year In Reform News 2012-2013 Read more »
May 23, 2013
"I'm struck by the amount of opposition to something some people have never seen working in progress," said Jeanne Allen is the Founder and President of The Center for Education Reform. Read more »
May 21, 2013
Jeanne Allen, president of The Center for Education Reform, said Milwaukee has seen great improvements in graduation rates since becoming the first place in the U.S. to start a voucher program in 1990, but she urged lawmakers to look beyond numbers to the personal stories of disadvantaged students. Read more »
May 20, 2013
It is no surprise then that the Center for Education Reform, a pro-charter nonprofit, recently gave Michigan one of only four "As" on its report card of state-charter school laws. If states want to create a healthy charter-school sector to boost outcomes for students, the Michigan experience offers valuable lessons. Read more »