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September 11, 2012
I am pleased to share with you the second issue of our NEW LETTER TO FRIENDS, which is our semi-monthly report filled with exclusive news and observations you will not find anywhere else. Read more »
March 14, 2012
A page exclusively for the media to get quick information about the Center for Education Reform Read more »
January 26, 2012
A guide to the media and a call for balance from Jeanne Allen regarding the well-intentioned but flawed PDK/Gallup poll. Read more »
December 1, 2011
The Center For Education Reform (CER) report, The Garden State’s Missed Opportunity, uncovers evidence of New Jersey’s flawed charter school authorization process. Read CER's statement on why the findings make a strong case for multiple charter authorizers. Read more »
October 27, 2011
One of the nation’s most populated and important political states today moved closer to adopting a full school choice program for its neediest children when its state Senate just passed SB 1, which moves to the House, as early as this week. Read more »
October 25, 2011
A recently passed Senate bill now being debated in the House provides Michigan with the opportunity to strengthen its charter school law and provide new choices for even more of the state’s students. Read more »
October 21, 2011
The Center for Education Reform (CER) celebrated and recognized the extraordinary achievements by eight renowned education leaders by honoring them with the prestigious EdReformies Award at CER’s 18th anniversary gala event, EdReformies – Rockin' Reform Revue Gala. Read more »
October 13, 2011
Families with children in failing schools would be “empowered” to convert their traditional public school into a charter school under a bill that cleared a state Senate committee. Jeanne explains how the law puts parents back in the drivers seat. Read more »
October 11, 2011
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett announced a major education package, building on the work earlier this year in the legislature, that promises greater flexibility for parents and teachers in the education of the state’s children and accountability at all levels for substantially greater results. Read more »
October 7, 2011
Article discusses Stanford University studies that have met extensive opposition from individuals and institutions throughout the educational community. CER notes that charter schools are not comparable to similar public schools for many reasons, but studies show positive achievement and that charter schools do work. By Josh Cotton The Times Observer October 7, 2011 The bottom […] Read more »