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June 14, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 14, 2019CONTACT: Alexandra 966-0831Washington, D.C. — Jeanne Allen, the founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER), issued the following statement:"With education being the key to a healthy economy and bright future for all Americans, the involvement of our highest leaders is critical. So on this Friday afternoon it’s great […] Read more »
June 4, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 4, 2019CONTACT: Alexandra 966-0831Washington, D.C. — Jeanne Allen, the founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER), issued the following statement:"We and our colleagues around the country have watched with great interest as the Mayor and parents of New Bedford, Massachusetts sought to create a new innovative partnership that would […] Read more »
March 24, 2019
Dear Friends,The news was blaring this weekend.  All the talk seemed to suggest that the nation was focused almost entirely on the release of the Mueller Report. It’s been that way for months. And now it’s out. We’re told the nation is riveted, waiting to learn what’s inside.And that does indeed seem to be the […] Read more »
March 5, 2019
Written by Elizabeth Shaw, the CEO of Chicago International Charter Schools Dear friends and colleagues, I imagine that you have all been following the wave of teachers strikes across the country, including nearly two weeks of picketing at four Chicago International Charter Schools (CICS) that I oversee. It’s been two weeks since more than 2,000 […] Read more »
February 27, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 27, 2019 CONTACT: Alexandra Phelps (703) 966-0831 Washington, D.C. — Jeanne Allen, the founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER), issued the following statement: “News of federal legislation to incentivize private funding of scholarships for low-income and working-class families broke tonight, a welcome sign in the battle for more […] Read more »
February 18, 2019
The Las Vegas Review-Journal ran a piece about how Nevada’s Clark County School District had created a new marketing position to sell the district’s schools to parents and slow the exodus of student to charter schools. Read more »
February 5, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 5, 2019 Statement from Jeanne Allen, Founder & CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER): “It’s a significant milestone when a president singles out a major education issue in the State of the Union address. Every year we wait in anticipation for the potential to bring much needed national attention to […] Read more »
January 29, 2019
Center for Education Reform responds to Virginia teacher walkout School funding, not teacher pay, is the most important education issue FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 29th, 2018 Statement from Jeanne Allen, Founder & CEO of the Center for Education Reform (CER): (Washington, D.C.) – “Today’s teacher walkout in Virginia is another well-intentioned but flawed effort to address […] Read more »
January 25, 2019
CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen was interviewed this week in light of the deal struck in Los Angeles that ended the teacher strike in the nation’s second largest school district. Jeanne discussed the politics of the strike as well as the implications of the deal. CER also spoke to journalists at  the Washington Post, […] Read more »
January 11, 2019
CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen was featured in several publications this week regarding the upcoming teacher strike in Los Angeles, which is home to the second largest school district in the nation. The strike would affect nearly half a million students, their families and 63,000 district employees and would be the first in nearly […] Read more »