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An Important Message about Dr. King and Charter Schools

January 15, 2017

This article shines a light on the depth — and longevity of support — for charter schools in the African-American community. The story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s closest aide and chief of staff, Dr. Wyatt T. Walker, is not only enlightening, but something few know. It is in that spirit that we are pleased to share this with you.

Charter Schools.

“In a sense it was the next battle field…the schools were so bad that most of the young people were crippled educationally… that’s how I turned my attention to charter schools…”

Would Martin Luther King, Jr. have supported charter schools? “Oh yes,” said Dr. Walker! “Without a doubt…”

The mission of the Center for Education Reform is to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans, particularly our youth, ensuring that the conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility through U.S.

Help us do just that – ensure that the conditions for educational opportunity exist for each and every child in this great nation.

This article, along with an inspirational video clip on Dr. Walker and his involvement with charter schools can be found at this link:

Thank you for taking time to read it, to view the video and to share, as no American should be lacking in this critical knowledge about how much the earliest civil rights leaders in this nation embraced educational opportunity for all students.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts, reactions, or questions. Please contact us anytime to further this important discussion.

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