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The Audacity of Reg (Larry Sand)

August 29, 2008

Dear Mr. Weaver,

I checked out the transcript of your speech, ‘as prepared for delivery,’ given at the DNC on Monday.  Is this the actual speech you gave?  If so, I am quite simply appalled. 

Your first words are, “I am here today on behalf of 3.2 million NEA members to tell you why we support Barack Obama for President of the United States.”  Wait a minute. It sounds as if all 3.2 million members of the NEA are supporting Obama.  Then in the last sentence, you leave no doubt.  “That, my friends, is why the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association are organized, energized and mobilized to help elect Barack Obama as the next president of the United States of America.”  This last statement is an outrage.

You have been quoted on more than one occasion stating that “the NEA is one-third Republican,” which means that there are over one million Republican NEA members.  It is audacity of the highest order to state unequivocally that these people will be “organized, energized and mobilized” to vote for a Democrat. 

I have been a classroom teacher for over 27 years and for many of those an NEA member, before resigning from the “Association” several years ago.  I would strongly urge you to issue an apology to those Republicans still in the NEA and the American public in general for what really is a ludicrous statement.

Larry Sand

Editor’s Note: Larry’s keeping his eye out for “an apology and a gift basket from Mr. Weaver within a few days.” We’ll keep you posted.

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