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In just 2 weeks… You can participate in #GivingTuesday and help us raise $5,000 to make schools work better for ALL children on December 3.

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a one-day online and social media campaign dedicated to giving back and showing how Americans can do more with our wallets than just consume on Black Friday and Cyber Monday – we can give back to the causes that we care most about.

Our Goal:

To raise $5,000 on (and prior to) #GivingTuesday towards making schools better for all children!

Are you In?

  • Like us on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter @edreform
  • Use the #GivingTuesday and #Give2edreform hashtags
  • Follow @edreform on Instagram and caption your pictures with “I #Give2edreform”
  • Donate early to support our mission of making schools work better for all children



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