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CER Response to 49th Annual PDK Poll

August 28th, 2017

Statement from the Center for Education Reform

A Special Report issued today by the Center for Education Reform critiquing the annual PDK poll on the public’s attitudes toward the public schools finds poll questions remain highly misleading, the public’s attitudes highly mixed, and perhaps most important and least prevalent in the PDK report, that one’s own experiences highly influence what they want for theirs or others’ children.

“While PDK is a widely respected organization dedicated to supporting and advocating for the traditional public education system, and its annual survey a good opportunity to take the public’s temperature, it nevertheless fails to reflect the reality in American education,” said CER Founder & CEO Jeanne Allen.

“And that reality is that fewer than 60 percent of our nation’s students lack proficiency in core subjects,” added Allen.

CER’s Special Report details the often cumbersome and confusing PDK questions which tend to reinforce the organization’s mission while ignoring the broader challenge – that millions of US children are failing an education that can provide them an opportunity to participate in the future.

To read CER’s report click here.


On September 26th, Jeanne Allen will participate on a panel sponsored by PDK reviewing the poll results at the National Press Club’s Holeman Lounge, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

For additional details on this and the poll, please visit

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