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Who Owns Our Children?

Dear Friend,

For too long, the usual suspects have played the blame game trying to convince us that it’s the system’s fault, or that it takes a village to raise a child.

But as a mother of four children, I know that’s baloney. It’s parents who know what’s best for our kids. And, for too long, education policy in this country has failed to reflect that simple truth.

At The Center for Education Reform (CER), we know that parents are a child’s first teacher.

As policymakers and educators nationwide are clamoring for more parental involvement (knowing that it will positively impact student learning), CER has its ear to the ground across the states- listening to parents, hearing their woes, and realizing how important it is that they have the knowledge they need at their fingertips. We know that without real power, parent involvement is meaningless.

Thanks to help from supporters like you, CER created the Parent Power Index© (PPI), the first and only comprehensive evaluation of state education policy geared towards parents.  PPI is:

· An integrated, user-friendly, state-by-state index of how many quality choices are available to parents

· Continuously updated in real-time with new data and information about how states compare to one another; with once a quarter- comprehensive state ranking updates

· Geared towards parents but utilized by citizens, media, lawmakers, and more

Last week, we released our latest ranking & scorecard, providing a refreshed arsenal of state and local resources. Check out how your state fares here.

As we gear up for tough fights ahead, and as others try to discredit our findings, your support is more critical than ever before.

Will you consider supporting CER today with a gift of $75, $100, or even $250 to help us continue beating the drum for public policy reforms and guiding grassroots activism by showing parents they have power?

Because, as it turns out, parents really do know what’s best for our kids—and the more they’re allowed to have a voice in their children’s education, the more they learn, and the better off they are as adults.

Don’t you agree? 

Best Regards,

Jeanne Allen

P.S.  Thank you for supporting CER. Your donation today supports CER’s mission to make sure all kids have access to a quality education, and helps us empower parents to have a greater voice.

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