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Charter legislation is squashed by the status quo. Lawmakers decided to let the weak charter school bill die in committee, expressing frustration because the legislation did not meet original goals. The most current bill put even more restrictions on charter schools than previous legislation, like capping charters at 20 instead of 50, and limiting charter schools to poorly performing districts only.
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Governor Bobby Jindal signs sweeping education reform legislation into law that establishes a statewide voucher program, puts limits on teacher tenure, ties teacher compensation to student performance, and makes the Pelican State more charter-friendly. Reform groups are praising these student-centered changes.
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Governor Nixon signs SB 576, allowing charters to expand beyond just Kansas City and St. Louis. To call this true statewide expansion, however, is a stretch because of limitations that still exist when it comes to charters trying to open in accredited school districts. The best charter school laws do not set such limitations.
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SB 2115 and SB 2116, both updates to Hawaii's charter law, are signed into law by Governor Neil Abercrombie. The new measures are intended to help charter schools maintain autonomy and flexibility while also being held accountable.
New Jersey:
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Legislation tying tenure to teacher evaluations based on student performance awaits Governor Chris Christie's signature. While the Governor has gone on the record in support of strong tenure reform, it's tough to tell if this bill makes the cut because teacher layoffs will still be based on seniority.