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BASIS School Inc.

May 12, 2014

Visiting BASIS DC was my first experience touring a charter school.  Having been a former public school student and an in-class tutor, I inherently evaluated BASIS by comparing its school model to that of a traditional public schools.  Enthusiastic teachers, actively engaged students and personable staff resonated in an environment one can only describe as revolutionary. BASIS DC has essentially acknowledged the fundamental component to learning — empowerment.

In the past, I witnessed students fall victim to teachers who set low expectations of their students. This lack of expectation created an atmosphere in which students did not have a chance to build their self-confidence.  Dialogue between teacher and student sounded like “well, see if you can pass this test” or “try not to fail this time.” As a result, students failed to see themselves as achievers, thus actualizing the self-fulfilling prophecy.

On the other hand, BASIS DC makes a critical point to emphasize high expectations and accountability on the part of the student.  This is a crucial achievement. BASIS DC takes into consideration a phenomenon that no other school has (that I know of). As Executive Director of BASIS School Inc., Dan Nienhauser said, “If you set a high bar, kids will reach the higher bar. If you set a low bar, kids will reach the low bar. We set a very high bar.”  In addition, students are held accountable for producing good work. Student-signed posters hang throughout the halls stating, “Show respect, Take Responsibility, Make Improvements,” which serve as a constant reminder of this principle.

It is very fulfilling for me to see that BASIS DC continually pushes students to be the best that they can be. I hope that it my act as a shining model to charter schools across the nation.

Tigran Avakyan, CER Intern

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