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Bill Gates Should Not Go to Spam

Bill Gates was in my spam. He shouldn’t have been. His letter is powerful, his message is powerful, and unlike way too many funders, he actually knows that we are all in this for the long haul!

The Gates Foundation was forward thinking enough to fund the Center’s bold media outreach work, and the Media Bullpen to help improve the discourse in the media and the grassroots, particularly in our target states of FL, GA, NC, TN and PA. Detractors think the Gates Fdn is part of some conspiracy to undo public education. Actually, they funded what we wanted to do, and they had nothing to do with creating it! Gates is putting his money where his mouth is — and the operative word here is “his”. America allows us to prosper, paves the way for many, and gives those that succeed incentives to spread their wealth. What a great innovation.

Read his letter here, join the conversation at #billsletter and think about measurement the next time you want to launch a career in ed reform!

by Jeanne Allen

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