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Federal Intervention Over Transgender Issues Affects Schools

May 13, 2016

May 13, 2016

Obama transgender edict causes stir over the proper use of government in an educational venue, reports Caitlin Emma of Politico:

But critics say the administration has issued a directive that’s going to use up tons of school resources and take time away from teaching students.

“Saying that students are allowed to use the locker room that aligns with their gender identity changes the way schools do business,” said Jeanne Allen, founder of the Center for Education Reform. “Schools have to spend time, money, resources and people working on something that has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of school.”

Allen said she expects more lawsuits to come out of school districts across the country. “Is this a proper use of government in an educational venue?” she said of the Obama administration’s guidance. “Parents will rebel.”

Allen and Neal McCluskey of the Cato Institute, who are both proponents of school choice, said the issue might spur parents to push for more schooling options independent of the public systems and micromanagement by the federal government. Patrick also made that argument.

Read more at Politico

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