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Fox40 Sacramento: CER Awards Natomas Charter School $100K

December 7, 2016

Fox40 covers CER’s announcing Sacramento California’s Natomas Charter School the winner of the “Hey John Oliver Back Off My Charter School” video contest.

The contest was launched in August in response to a misleading and poorly contrived segment of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, hosted by comedian John Oliver, which had the potential to cause serious damage to the most promising public education reform since public schools were created in the 1850s. “Oliver’s show cast charter schools in simplistic terms, and parodied the hard work of millions to create meaningful, personalized opportunities for students,” said CER Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen. “Charter schools uniquely serve students often not well-served by traditional public schools — which most students would have no choice but to attend were it not for the choices charters offer.”

More than 250 video submission from across the country were received by the Center. Watch them all here:


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