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New York Times: Jeanne Allen on Gov. Mike Pence's Record on Education

July 21, 2016
New York Times
Letter to the Editor


To the Editor:

Re “Pence’s Record on Education in Indiana Is One of Turmoil and Mixed Results” (news article, July 20):

In a toxic and unpredictable election cycle, Gov. Mike Pence’s record on education is exactly what we need: a reminder that education is the essential lever to expand opportunity for all Americans.

People on both the left and the right are taking issue with Mr. Pence’s record on education. But the reality is that he pushed forward advances in charter schools and vouchers, testing and preschool, all the while battling a state superintendent backed by the unions.

As a nonpartisan organization, the Center for Education Reform does not endorse candidates, but will always recognize and applaud those who advance sound education policies. Mr. Pence is a true pioneer of educational opportunity, with a record that shows he has what it takes to champion policies that move the needle on parent power for all.


Founder and Chief Executive

The Center for Education Reform


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