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Opponents telling lies to keep cap on charters

September 9, 2016

by Jeanne Allen
Cape Cod Times
September 9, 2016

The claim that charter schools drain resources from traditional public schools is “absurd” and an “outright lie,” as many reputable researchers as well as editorial boards have acknowledged and documented.

Every year, the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers encourage and support legislation that rolls back charter schools. This year is no different, with the NEA planning to spend nearly $36 million to “seek political and legislative outcomes that support great public schools and sustainable organizational power,” and setting aside 1.4 million specifically for anti-charter efforts in Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, the local Massachusetts Teachers Association approved more than $9 million to fight the expansion of charter school opportunities for children.

More than a decade of data, research and success stories indicate that charter schools have had a positive impact on not only the students they serve, but other students throughout the system.

It’s shameful that so much money is being devoted to maintaining the status quo and spreading false information while more than 30,000 children are waiting for the chance to access a better learning environment.

Jeanne Allen

Washington, D.C.

– The writer is founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform.

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