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CER Today – July 14, 2020

July 14, 2020

Don’t miss what’s happening in education today, around the country.

Happy Bastille Day! Saluting the French, who on this day in 1789 charged the Bastille — synonymous with tyranny — sparking the French Revolution and the beginning of the Republic, roughly at the same time we were adopting the U.S. Constitution. Here’s to the cause of freedom for people everywhere.


The Existential Union Threat to Charter Schools.  Join us tomorrow as CER continues its ACTION Series, this time to explore the increased attacks on charters, which, ahem, kept education going more than other schools during COVID. Guests are Mr. David Hardy, co-founder and leader of Boys’ Latin of Philadelphia and Dr. Steve Perry, media star and founder of Capital Preparatory Magnet School.


We announced four distinguished judges who will help judge the #WithJusticeforAll video contest, to amplify student voices and learn what’s going on in their education world today. Joining us are former Governor and education superstar Jeb Bush, “Miss” Virginia Walden Ford whose story is being told in a motion picture, U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (1997-2015) and Reason’s most outspoken and prescient education freedom fighter Corey DeAngelis. Stay tuned for more, and spread the word so all students can have equal access to a great future!


Plans and demands for reopening schools are about as varied and controversial as you can get. On one hand, huge school systems like Los Angeles are simply saying, nope, we won’t open, you can go to school online, as if doing so is like eating an orange. On the other hand, you have charter school networks, like Charter Schools USA, preparing to take their nearly 80,000 students to school in the buildings, at home or a combination of both, all getting live-streamed classes and interactive participation. (These are the charters Biden wants to get rid of.)


Get ready for more life-saving choices to be denied to needy students simply because they attend Catholic Schools. Assuring they get CARES Act funding is for some strange reason controversial. Read why they should get their fair share AND let’s move to enact choice programs that are no longer prohibited thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in #Espinoza on June 30.

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