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CER Condemns WA Charter Ruling, Urges Supporters To Take Action

September 8, 2015

CER Joins Local and National Leaders in Condemning Washington Supreme Court Charter School Ruling

On Friday, September 4, 2015, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled charter schools unconstitutional on the basis that public charter schools are not “common schools” because they are not overseen by local school boards, and thus cannot receive public funds.

“Since the news broke of the extremely politically controlled court’s decision, we’ve been in contact with local and national leaders and join them in condemning the court’s decision against this voter-approved public charter school law, calling on Governor Jay Inslee to hold a special session to address this ruling,” said CER President Kara Kerwin.

“Thankfully, the 1,200 students enrolled in public charter schools are back in school today,” continued Kerwin, “and local leaders on the ground are doing everything in their power to ensure there is no disruption in schooling for these public charter school students.”

“The fact that the state’s eight public charter schools were filled to capacity indicates the desire from parents to have alternative options like public charter schools. Action must be taken immediately to ensure these options continue to be available for students and families,” said Kerwin.

TAKE ACTION NOW to #SaveWAcharterschools:

For more information and updates, see the Washington State Charter Schools Association’s Q&A: Supreme Court Ruling on Charter School Law


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