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Gov. Scott Ushers in More Opportunity, More Equity for Kids Signing HB 7069

(ORLANDO, Fl. June 14, 2017) In an historic win for kids, Florida Governor Governor Rick Scott today signed HB 7069, providing more and better opportunities to thousands of children throughout the state, particularly the most vulnerable.

With schools unevenly funded and resources rarely flowing to the classroom directly as is normally intended by law, HB 7069 boldly directs more federal funds to where students choose to attend school. Prior to this, the spending of federal funds was largely at the discretion of school districts, even if students are attending other public schools, like charter schools, which are governed publicly but independently of districts in most cases.

Florida’s charter schools not only outperformed their traditional public school peers on state exams in 65 out of 77 comparisons but have narrowed the racial achievement gap. Charter school students learned more from one year to the next in 82 of 96 comparisons that focused on learning gains. In 20 out of 22 comparisons, charters had smaller achievement gaps in math, English and social studies between white students and their black and Hispanic peers. More than 60 percent of Florida charter school students are minority, which is higher than the state average of 53 percent.

“Florida has led the way for parent-centered opportunities for students,” said CER President Jeanne Allen. CER’s Parent Power Index ranks the Sunshine state #2. “Governors like Rick Scott and state leaders like Speaker Richard Corcoran are shining lights for greater educational opportunity for kids, flexibility for educators,” added Allen. “We hope others will follow their lead.”

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