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A Call for Education Innovators!

May 12, 2011

Are you or someone you know 30 or younger and innovative when it comes to education? A new member-based organization, is looking to feature 30 innovative educators under 30, and is anticipating your suggestions.

Given the greater autonomy that comes with school reform models like charters, we have little doubt that young educators are utilizing this freedom to push the envelope in K-12 education.

Of course innovators out there are not usually the types to toot their own horns, but maybe you can do that for them—or, if you’ve got something in the works yourself, this is a solid opportunity to get exposure.

May is the Splashlife’s education-focused month, so help them out— contact Meredith Landry, Splashlife Editor at [email protected] to tell them who’s doing something new and innovative, why they’re great, and of course, include contact information.

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