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Day One: Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going

April 22, 2014

My impetus for pursuing an internship at CER grew from a personal love of education, both learning and teaching, and a zeal for pursuing excellence in the field. Over the years I have worked at elementary schools, researched subjects ranging from charter school development to the efficacy of Teach for America, and sought out classes that reflected my interest.

Still, though on paper I seem prepared for this internship, I am acutely aware of my lack of wisdom that can only be gained through experience. Fortunately for me, from my desk in the CER office, I can see half a dozen offices that house some truly key players in the education reform movement. Built on twenty years of wisdom and experience, a dynamic energy courses through this office that buoys the creative ability and industry of those inside. I am humbled and excited to have the chance to learn from them.

That, of course, is my main objective: to learn. I am hungry for knowledge and understanding, and I am committed to serving CER valuably for the next six weeks. In addition to informing my future career goals, I hope this experience fosters relationships that broaden my worldview and further my development as an individual thinker and doer.

For years I have been immersed in the theoretical and pedagogical exercise of education reform. At home I have heard my father talk about his experience representing Students First in Tennessee and working with Governor Haslam on his education reform efforts. In class, my Education professors presented me with a very pro-public, pro-teacher, pro-union take on the history of education and the future of reform.

My experience at CER will add a new flavor to the mix, one that I hope will savor more of concrete experiences and practical implications as I develop my perspective. I am so grateful for this opportunity and eagerly await what the next six weeks will bring.

Anna Russell Thornton, CER Intern

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