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DC Charter Scores Prove Success

December 7, 2011

Demonstrating once again the power of being number 1 (as in, the NUMBER 1 Strongest Law in the nation), the independent authorizer for DC charter schools has created and yesterday announced the results of a new performance accountability system aimed at tracking in real time the performance and growth of all the students in its 58 schools — nearly 42 percent of all DC public school students, period!

And to naysayers that say charters don’t work, that they don’t close and that they are not accountable, I’d like to know what you call this.

It’s so good that not only can you see superior gains in charters versus traditional public schools (Sorry, Macke!) but there is a tier of schools under review that the data — using child by child performance scores — suggests either needs to buck up or be closed, something this independent, superior authorizer is willing to do.

A model to be sure for other states, and a proud moment for DC. Kudos, DCPCSB and charter school leaders!

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