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Fighting NJ Virtual Charters with False Facts

November 29, 2011

Public money for private interest? That’s what’s being used to fuel outrage and frenzy among unsuspecting Teaneck, NJ residents, by the school leadership that fears a loss of power and control should the Garden State Virtual Charter School be approved by the State in January. Turns out the GSVCS is actually a statewide school proposal, so Teaneck would pay for no more than the students who choose to use that new charter who reside in Teaneck. Such a fact has not stopped the superintendent from claiming she would have to cut dozens of teaching positions this winter, or suffer a $15 million budget cut, a number that came in error from the State education department when it notified districts where charters are pending of potential impact of the costs that they must “prepare” for. The reality is that 1,000 kids from around the state won’t cost anyone $15 million.

But facts are irrelevant apparently. So in this little NJ hamlet barely 15 miles out of NYC, school district list serves and emails are financing a private war over a very public school proposal.

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