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First Day at CER

August 24, 2015

As I approached the doors of suite 705, I was not exactly sure what to expect. This organization, CER, seemed so small in comparison to something so big – the gap between high-quality and low-quality schools, the gap between education policy and what is actually happening inside of the schools, and the endeavors to empower parents through choice of school for their children. There are so many issues and ideas that CER is working toward, that I couldn’t help but think that I would be quite overwhelmed.

Being from Buffalo, one must be quite naive if he or she isn’t appalled and saddened by the public schooling in the city. However, upon further research, I very soon realized that it is organizations such as The Center for Education Reform that intend to solve these issues (the differences between education quality throughout America, the gap between education policy and practice, etc …) as well as educate the general public on education policy and the reality of education among many cities. As soon as I entered the doors of CER, I quickly realized that although this organization is taking on such a large issue — education quality — there is nothing to be overwhelmed or worried about. The staff is friendly, warm, and extremely helpful, and they all seem to care very much about their work from what I can see. I am so happy to be a part of an organization such as this because although I am only one person and CER is only one organization, slowly but surely we can improve education equality and quality.

I hope to gain many skills at CER. I have never worked in such a small, formal (yet still very laid back and calm) office, but I hope to really thrive. Through doing research and analysis at this internship, I hope to feel accomplished and have a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that my work, slowly but surely, will help to reform the education system in the long run. Every little bit of work matters, so I am looking forward to seeing how my work will help contribute.

I am so thankful to have been offered this internship; I am so excited to learn about this topic more, work with kind people, and gain formal work experience. I am looking forward to being inspired by my fellow workers and interns, and hope to in turn inspire some of them as well! I am truly fortunate to be working for CER — a small but powerful nonprofit with a big issue to tackle.

I am so happy to be interning at CER this fall and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

Gianna Manzella, CER Intern

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