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Quick Advice on How to Survive Holiday Gatherings

December 14, 2016

There’s nothing like gathering with family, friends, and colleagues over the holidays – whether it’s at the school play, a work party, or a neighborhood get-together.

Screen Shot 2015-12-21 at 3.13.28 PMThat is, until your crazy Aunt Sally launches into a political discussion.

Be ready this year. Here are a few conversation starters (and stoppers!) to have ready at your disposal to get you out of sticky situations, or give you something to talk a
bout with your relatives!


“Our public schools are just fine. I got a great education,” your grandfather says. That may be true, but we’re an increasingly global society, and with the U.S. ranking 35th in math,15th in reading and 18th in science in student performance across almost 70 countries, even our best-performing kids need better learning opportunities.

“But not all parents care”, your neighbor says.
What some perceive as a lack of caring could actually be the result of frustration. As a parent, it’s frustrating feeling like there is no other option for your child outside of the school that is failing them. Only 5% of U.S. children are able to take advantage of school choice opportunities.

“It’s not an education problem, it’s a poverty problem,” says your colleague.
Poverty is a challenge, but not an excuse. Our nation’s charter schools have proven this. A majority of the nearly 2.5 million children in the nation’s more than 6,500 charter schools are poor and minority, and yet they are performing better than comparable kids who have to attend their local public schools.

Let’s give the ultimate gift to parents and students this year by committing to remaining vocal about the importance of parent power for all.



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