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Last Day Blues!

August 3, 2015

I simply cannot believe that today is my last day here at The Center for Education Reform! Where did the summer go? I remember patiently anticipating my arrival here for a whole month before I began my internship. So many thoughts were going through my head as to how this summer would go, the things I would learn, and if education reform would be the thing for me.

Well let’s just say I answered all of those questions and more. I now look at myself as a well-versed education reformer trainee in this long fight for school choice. CER taught me so many things about the movement that I never would have been able to grasp had I searched for the information myself. For instance, who knew that charter schools are not private schools and vouchers are actually used for more than just shopping, and my favorite (E)SEA is not just the blue waters we play in, etc. Just me? Ok, let’s excuse these little mishaps.

CER has also taught me about the strenuous work of nonprofits. I always knew that a nonprofit was started from a just cause, but I never knew that it took this much work to operate. From doing the office grunt work that many like to avoid, to offering input on education policies in different states, even to doing grassroots work like participating in parent choice rallies, CER works!

One great thing about this internship was being able to go out to events and hear the many different voices in Ed Reform. Going to different events and hearing people passionately speak about their efforts in Ed Reform let me know that the work I’m doing and will do is worth it. One of my favorite events that I attended was called “The State of Entrepreneurship in K-12 Education”. This all-day panel resonated with me the most because we got see the many progressions that are coming about in the education world. School is moving from being the typical paper, pen, and textbook routine; it’s evolving to something that will help move all kids forward and gets us out of the typical 100 year old model.

Being at CER this summer has truly made me a better person and opened my eyes up to a lot of things in and outside of the education reform world. My experience here was something that I truly enjoyed and am grateful for. Thank you CER and all the wonderful people here (including my fellow interns) for a wonderful summer!

Rahdaysha Cummings, CER Intern

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