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Neither Snow, Nor Storm, Nor Dark of Night…

January 25, 2016

…Can Keep School Choice Week from Taking Flight!

At the heart of any successful education reform effort is freedom – the freedom for students, parents and educators to have new opportunities, and schools to pursue new innovations or ideas.

That’s why we’re thrilled to have a week to share how freedom works when it’s permitted in education. We salute all those engaged in thScreen Shot 2016-01-25 at 8.31.37 AMis, the 6th annual National School Choice Week, and join with the tens of thousands across the country – and globe – in celebrating the power and ever-growing potential of school choice. This year, there are more than 16,000 events planned in the U.S. and beyond, making this week the largest celebration of education choice in history.

Throughout the week, we will share numerous and diverse choice opportunities in education to help you follow the events of the week and share across the net to help raise public awareness for school choice.

And Don’t Forget!

1. Use #SCW to add your voice to the largest ever digital #SchoolChoice event!

2. Find an event near you! Use the school choice week map to locate and attend one of the more than16,000 events planned across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.!

3. Watch & share the official NSCW 2016 kickoff video!

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4.Get educated! Learn facts about school choice and share them with the click of a button.

And let us know if you have questions, suggestions or ideas to share and we will help you get them out there!

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