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Onward & Upward

December 16, 2015

I can’t believe this semester is coming to an end! I have truly learned a great deal through my experiences at CER. Whether it was attending events with other leaders in the education reform movement from various organizations, or simply reading articles discussing various happenings in the education sector across the US, I have not stopped learning during my time here. All of the staff has been very encouraging in answering any, and all of my questions.

Growing up in the suburbs of Westchester County, NY, I was blessed by the opportunity to a quality education at my local public school, with supportive parents and excellent teachers that inspired passion in my studies. I never worried about looking at different options for schooling, until applying to university. Interning at CER has opened my eyes up to the world of school choice, and its importance. Every child is different, and therefore requires different outlets for learning to ensure they are achieving equal quality education.

On this note, interning with CER during the passing of ESSA has been a wonderfully exciting experience. From attending an informal dinner-discussion about ESSA prior to its passing, live streaming the hearing in the office, its passing, and witnessing history being made has been very exciting. This win for education reform results in a promising future, which I aim to be invested in, through my future career.

I am grateful to have been apart of an organization that truly makes change, and am excited to continue my involvement in the education-sector post-grad. When exploring my options for next year, I aim to pursue some sort of education-focus – whether it’s in the classroom, or working to continue effecting policy changes to ensure children across the U.S. have equal access to quality education. I have been inspired by the work done at CER, and will never forget my time here. Thank you for a truly wonderful and gratifying experience!

Karina Lichtman, CER Intern

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