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Remembering Gary Becker

May 5, 2014

Education reformers across the country were saddened to hear about the passing of Gary Becker, a brilliant icon of economics who bolstered the basic tenets behind educational choice and Parent Power. Through an extensive and wide-ranging body of work, Professor Becker had a distinct ability to examine societal issues, and humanize them to demonstrate realities on the ground. His commitment to freedom and opportunity was highlighted by support for school choice policies that allow parents fundamental access to ensuring the best possible education for their children.

It is truly an honor to for those of us at The Center for Education Reform who has had the pleasure to work with, and be inspired by, Professor Becker and his research over the years. He truly understood that parents need choices and his spirit lives on in the battle to give every parent in America that fundamental right over their child’s education.

Kara Kerwin
President, The Center for Education Reform




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