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The Summer I Became An Education Reformer

August 3, 2015

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine weeks since I first walked into the CER office. As I sat in on my first staff meeting that Monday morning, I had a million thoughts swirling in my head about what my time here would be like. Never would I have believed I would have the chance to go to several talks at Capitol Hill, be invited to a multitude of education reform events, have the experience of planning an intern only event or even be a part of an education reform rally. Nor could I have imagined the amount of knowledge I have had the privilege of learning. All these things and more are what encompassed my time here at The Center for Education Reform.

One of my favorite experiences would have to be a discussion we went to at American Enterprise Institute about Robert Putnam’s book, “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis.” This event combined my two favorite subjects: education and economics. It was reasonable, logical and laid everything out on the table. I enjoyed hearing the explanation of the book from the author himself, Robert Putnam, but I also enjoyed the critiques different members of the panel gave as well.

Having the opportunity to be in this world and become an education reformer has only reaffirmed my passion in life. Making a difference and doing everything I can to ensure every child is given a proper education is my lifelong dream and being here this summer at CER has given me a chance to start the path to accomplishing this dream.

My experience this summer would not be what it was if it weren’t for the amazing staff here at CER. Without their wisdom, guidance, or knowledge my summer would have not been the enriching experience for which I am so grateful. Thank you for an unforgettable summer and the amazing chance to become an education reformer.

Emily Kelleher, CER Intern

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