One of the things that I have learned in my time in business is that if you think there is a problem with your products or services, do one very important thing – ask your customers what the problem is. They will let you know everything you need to change.
Recently, the Virginia Department of Education dispatched another administrator to Petersburg to try to solve the problems of the Petersburg school system. Personally, I think the entire Department ought to be relocated there and then have all DOE employees send their children to the public schools in Petersburg. Then they might just get a handle on what the problem is and what they should to do solve it. Until then, one more bureaucrat from Richmond will only serve as a symbolic gesture that something needs to be done.
Too often in government, managers and leaders assume they know what the problem is and, therefore, know what the answer is. Since most core government services are virtual or actual monopolies, there really is no incentive to make the kinds of changes that are necessary because, after all, most customers of those services have no choice as to who is providing the services. Do you really think that cell phones and Blackberry type devices would be as prolific today were it not for the deregulation of AT&T (Ma Bell)? The answer is obviously no.
As a former teacher who has visited school systems in not just Virginia, but also suburban Chicago and inner city Milwaukee, I can honestly tell you that there is no one way to educate every child. No matter how many individualized programs (IEPs) one has, sometimes even the best and brightest kids need a different environment in order to learn.
But instead of presuming that I know best for Petersburg, I decided to ask the people of Petersburg. After all, they are the ones closest to the situation. They are, in effect, the customers. With a telephone survey, I learned that 85% of 1600+ respondents to the survey support parents being able to choose which school best educates their children. 63% support a tuition tax credit program to help parents afford the school of their choice. 76% want to see at least 65% of money in K-12 reach the classroom.
If the Commonwealth really wanted to show that it truly cared about the children and the parents of Petersburg (the customers), they would offer them the freedom to choose which school bests educates each child. Go to your local convenience or grocery store and count the number of different sodas that are available. Ask people to give up all the television channels, airline options, automobile choices, or tell them that they only have one bank and imagine the response. But first imagine the quality of the product and service of each with just one choice.
How can one support a quality product by inhibiting a competitive free market? 92% of K-12 school age children attend Virginia’s public schools. Many do so because they are satisfied that their child is getting a quality education. Virginia has invested billions of dollars and implemented accountability in K-12 education, but ask yourself, where does ultimate accountability truly rest? It rests with the customer.
Back in our segregationist past, some politicians fought against allowing African American students from attending public schools. Today, some politicians will not help parents afford a school of their own choice. That’s not freedom and that’s not right. Only when parents have the ability to choose which school they prefer will our educational system dramatically improve in order to compete with our foreign counterparts.
The 8% of the K-12 eligible students who do not attend public schools save Virginia taxpayers over $1 billion dollars per year or twice what the Lottery produces – not including construction costs. Virginia can increase pay for our hardworking public school teachers with vibrant free market alternatives that save taxpayers money by accessing underutilized private sector assets. We cannot and should not give up on our public schools, but there is a “better way”.
Chris Saxman (R) is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.