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When Parents Have A Choice, Kids Have A Chance

July 23, 2015

On Tuesday morning, held a rally outside of the U.S. Capitol to unite edreformers in an effort to celebrate school choice as well as push for more options for heightened parent power. The group of those who gathered at the rally was diverse to say the least. Coming from all over the country, students, teachers, education professionals, parents, and kids gathered in Upper Senate Park in support of giving parents the opportunity to make individual school choices for their children. Every parent wants what is best for their child, every mother and father wants to see their son or daughter succeed and live out their dreams. The importance of parent power is undeniable because more so than anyone else, parents have their child’s best interest in mind. All around me I saw impassioned people holding “I Trust Parents” signs and chanting those same words. The atmosphere was infectious and immediately, I was captivated.

To add to the excitement, we were joined by many notable guest speakers including Senator Tim Scott (SC), Congressman Luke Messer (IN), Kevin Chavous, CER board member and Executive Counsel at the American Federation for Children and CER’s very own Kara Kerwin. Each spoke with a sense of urgency for more school choice and each instilled in the crowd a feeling of purpose and pride in the cause. Although the four individuals come from diverse backgrounds and have different experiences, the four cannot deny the importance of choice in education.

One thing that really stuck out to me at the event and that I believe will follow me on my journey in the education reform movement is everyone at some point or another will be touched by school choice. There is an innate sense of universality in school choice and this was reflected in the crowd that gathered. Either you will have the opportunity to make a decision regarding your own or someone else’s education or the decision will be made for you. As a result of this, it is important to empower people of all ages and backgrounds to make smart decisions regarding school choice and to push for their representatives to create opportunity for more options. Through working at CER I have come to recognize the power of good a parent can hold when given the opportunity to choose what is right for their child. I trust parents to make the right decisions for their child’s education and so should you.

Madeline Ryan, CER Intern

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