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Education News for Friday, June 2

June 2, 2006

Boston area school district gives public school choice a tryout – For the first time in the district’s history, the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School Committee has adopted School Choice, a program that allows schools to accept children from outside the district. (more)

No Child Left Behind a success, Boehner says – U.S. House majority leader John Boehner said NCLB is making an impact. (more)

Test results announced – With valuable tax dollars, and the possibility of private school vouchers lurking for failing schools, Florida’s FCAT results are closely watched. (more)

NY, Chicago activists oppose Los Angeles mayoral school control – Activists in New York and Chicago are circulating an open letter warning parents in Los Angeles not to support their mayor’s attempt to take control of their school district. (more)

Johnson says school vouchers are dead, but tax credits might work  – According to Georgia Senate President Pro Tem Eric Johnson, vouchers face too many political hurdles to be passed by the General Assembly, but tax credits may pass. (more)

A Tale of Two Towns – Editorial: Does New York Rep. Edolphus Towns support education tax credits or doesn’t he? (more)

Union still spends lavishly – The Washington Teachers Union spent tens of thousands of dollars for a river cruise, an annual conference and public relations consulting in fiscal 2005 despite posting more than $600,000 in debt for the second consecutive year. (more)

L.A. schools: Get out while you still can – Editorial: Cities worried about mayoral control over LAUSD should be able to opt out. (more)

Romer reveals reform plan – As California announced Thursday that 14 percent of Los Angeles Unified School District’s Class of 2006 had failed the mandatory exit exam and will not graduate this month, Superintendent Roy Romer unveiled a $36 million program to overhaul some of the district’s lowest-performing high schools. (more)

ARGH! Just give us the records! – Long Beach wants public papers from LAUSD on the plan for a campus to serve Carson students. LAUSD says no. So Long Beach files suit. (more)

Check back later for more education news. 

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