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Education News for Friday, May 19

May 19, 2006

Lawmakers willing to work on No Child law – Lawmakers said Thursday they were willing to make the No Child Left Behind law more flexible, but warned there won’t be a lot of extra federal money to help pay for it. (more)

Villalobos gets foe: Bolaños – Alex Villalobos, until recently a rising star in the Florida Senate who paid a steep price for crossing the governor on education issues, got another dose of reality Thursday: a challenger for the first time in 14 years. (more)


Urban decay: Catholic schools in cities are closing. We need vouchers now – Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Catholic schools produce results far better than their public counterparts for a fraction of the cost. On last year’s New York State reading and math tests, fourth and eighth graders in Catholic schools scored 7% to 10% higher than public-school students. (more)

Under pressure, NBPTS releases full study – Ed Week (subscription required) The national organization that grants teachers advanced certification today released the text of an unflattering study. (more)



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