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Education News for Monday, July 17

July 17, 2006

Public schools perform near private ones in new study – NYT: The Education Department reported on Friday that children in public schools generally performed as well or better in reading and mathematics than comparable children in private schools. (more)

WSJ: Long-delayed education study casts doubt on value of vouchers (subscription required) – Students in public schools perform just as well as their private-school peers when test scores are adjusted for race, socioeconomics and other factors, according to a long-delayed study released Friday by the U.S. Department of Education. (more)

Chester Finn: Private performance, the New York Times gets excited – Predictably, Diana Jean Schemo and the New York Times found front-page, above-the-fold space on Saturday… (more)

Check back later for more education news.


A costly lesson in supply and demand – L.A. Unified plans to spend millions to train, recruit and keep math and science teachers, who are a hot commodity nationwide. (more)

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