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Education News for Tuesday, May 2

May 2, 2006

School vouchers killed by one vote; senate majority leader asked to resign – In a stinging loss for Gov. Jeb Bush’s education legacy, a proposed Florida constitutional amendment to protect his school voucher program fails in the Senate by a single vote. (more)

Teachers union criticized for pushing retirement plan – A New York education reform group is pressing the state attorney general to investigate the state’s largest teachers union, which gets $3 million a year from an investment company for recommending its members enroll in retirement plans with high fees that often eat into returns. (more)

NSEA Went Too Far With Reference To "Apartheid" – Opinion: A new state law to divide the Omaha, Nebraska school district into three smaller districts may be controversial, but that doesn’t justify inflammatory rhetoric on the part of the Nebraska State Education Association. (more)

D.C. kids are fighting to succeed – Opinion: A math teacher shares his perspective as his Washington, D.C. high school works to avoid NCLB sanctions.  (more)

Council to discuss limits on private-school clusters – The Scottsdale, Arizona city council today will debate a zoning law designed to limit the clustering of church, charter and private schools in the city’s wealthy northern neighborhoods.

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Choice issue opens rift in Missouri – Education Week (subscription required) – The debate over a school choice bill in the Missouri legislature has opened a bitter rift among some of the state’s top black elected officials. (more)

Bush suffers vouchers defeat – Four Republican senators delivered a crushing political defeat to Gov. Jeb Bush Monday by refusing to ask voters to rescind a recent court decision that struck down some private-school vouchers. (more)

Party-switching votes doom vouchers – In a razor-thin vote that cost the majority leader his job, the Senate dealt a second major blow to Gov. Jeb Bush’s education legacy Monday – refusing to revive his tuition-voucher plan for students in failing public schools. (more)

Senate GOP revive vouchers – In a startling parliamentary move that infuriated Democrats, Senate Republican leaders revived Gov. Jeb Bush’s school-voucher constitutional amendment late today. (more)

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