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Education News for Wednesday, June 28

June 28, 2006

AZ Legislature of 2 minds on poorest schools – In a matter of a few days towards the end of the session, Republicans passed two bills: one that speaks to those school’s amazing success and another that speaks to their miserable failure. (more)

NY union seeks rule change for charter schools – The head of the city’s teachers union is latching onto a recent spate of firings at a Brooklyn charter school to push Albany to make it easier for teachers at charter schools to join the union. (more)

New Fl law makes it easier to start charter schools – The Florida Schools of Excellence Commission, created when Gov. Jeb Bush signed a House bill Monday, will pave the way for more charter schools in the state. (more)

2006 South Carolina elections – Education, particularly vouchers or tax credits versus public schools, is one such issue.Sanford has supported school vouchers in the past and as governor has advocated for tuition tax credits for private school tuition. (more)

The issue of government operated schools – Government operated schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Compulsory education laws spawn prison-like schools with many of the problems associated with those prisons.  (more)

Check back later for more education news.


Ed Week (subscription required) Report Urges Business Groups to Advocate for High-Quality Preschool Programs – In a new 74-page report released today, the Washington-based business public policy group maintains that costly academic-remediation programs are draining state and federal budgets… (more)

Report tracks MN rising school spending – Despite declining enrollment, Minnesota schools are spending money faster than the rate of inflation, according to a report released Tuesday by State Auditor Patricia Anderson. (more)

MN governor offers college tuition to top students – Gov. Tim Pawlenty offered a deal Tuesday to those students: Graduate in the top 25 percent of your high school class or score well on college entrance exams and go tuition-free to any Minnesota public college. (more)

LA Times editorial: Confusion instead of school reform – The state’s plan for Los Angeles Unified’s schools has too many ingredients and dices responsibility too finely. (more)

CNN: No summer vacation for failing schools – Lou Dobbs: For just about a third of all high school students in this country, summer brings no respite from the failure of our public education system. (more)

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