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A Carolina Victory for School Choice

A Carolina Victory for School Choice

GOP legislators call Gov. Cooper’s bluff on Cares Act relief money.

Wall Street Journal | September 7, 2020
By The Editorial Board

 “North Carolina’s actions show what can be done when legislators, even in a state governed by both parties, are willing to put party loyalties aside,” says Jeanne Allen, CEO of the Center for Education Reform.

Parents in North Carolina struggling to get their children back to the classroom have received some welcome news. The state Legislature’s $1.1 billion Covid-19 relief package includes a provision expanding the state’s school choice program.

The victory is all the more significant because the state’s Democratic Governor, Roy Cooper, came into office vowing to eliminate the program. In late August he proposed taking $85 million from the Opportunity Scholarship program while spending $360 million for a $2,000 bonus for all public…



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