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It's Back!'s State of the Union Wish List

January 12, 2016

The State of the Union is a President’s wish list, a manifesto, and an opportunity to lay the gauntlet down for upcoming policy and budget negotiations. The President must outline how he plans to achieve unfinished business, and establish what his legacy will mean to our nation. When President Obama takes the podium on Tuesday, he will no doubt boast of his accomplishments, and present his case for the work that remains outstanding. With the Race to the Top initiative and Student Success Act behind us, we suspect that our President will largely ignore the importance of the real unfinished business of education.

And so we offer this platform. The recommendations on this year’s wish list reflect the philosophies of those who work on the ground daily to advance innovation, freedom, and flexibility in American education:

Education is not about space, a place, or time. Education is not a brick and mortar building; it is not about one person, concentrated on one methodology, or about one option. Innovative education transcends such confines to ensure that our students are prepared to be the future of our country.

In his first State of the Union address in 2009, President Obama stated, “that is why it will be the goal of this administration to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competitive education, from the day they are born to the day they begin a career. That is a promise we have to make to the children of America.”

We’ll give the Obama Administration credit for keeping education in the public eye, for drawing more Democrats into discussing reforms such as charter schools, and by elevating the debate. There is a long way to go to remedy the top-down approach to education reform that has occurred over the last 7 years, especially the Obama Administration turning a blind eye toward school choice for the poor, but thanks are in order for giving progressive Democrats numerous reasons to become more actively involved.

Unfortunately, this activity does not produce the results needed to help our students succeed. Despite national graduation rates touted at 82%, our students still lack proficiency in the basic necessities of life such as reading and mathematics; and do not possess the knowledge necessary to preserve our freedom and ensure America’s national and international success.

America needs educational opportunity for every child, regardless of zip code, time, and place. From Pre-K through post-secondary education, President Obama could consider informing the American people that ‘one size fits all’ education is an archaic vision that negatively impacts our children, specifically those who lack opportunity. Students of all ages should have the opportunity to access classes, programs, and schools both online and on site; and be rewarded for their unique contributions and accomplishments.

“Let’s think big and bold”, he might consider telling us… and erase artificial boundaries that lock kids into seats at the expense of progress.

Opportunity isn’t something that the President can or should define…this definition should be left to American citizens. To accomplish this goal, citizens need the freedom to spend their tax dollars where they choose, and the ability to support the concept that parents should be recognized and empowered as the first and most important teacher that children have.

Each state has tackled innovation and reform in different ways. Charter school laws differ state to state, and scholarship and voucher programs vary in scope and substance. Many states employed rigorous, high-stakes standards of learning prior to the national debate over Common Core. Equally, there are still states that have their heads buried in the sand, in desperate need of a jolt to get on board with innovation, equality, and opportunity.

There is no education issue that has not already been debated, discussed, or dueled over…

Similarly, there is not one issue that has not been studied, researched, validated and also dismissed. The states have been and continue to be laboratories of innovation. The states are where the status quo in education was first challenged, and where a new paradigm for schooling will continue to evolve.

We know now, and have always known what works. We need the courage to say so – at all levels. Without a President willing to exercise his bully pulpit to shine the light on success, to ensure that federal policy follows state policy, and to call attention to that which we have failed to achieve, we will not succeed.

To remind President Obama about the unique research we created to shape his agenda, he (and you) may consider reading (or rereading?) Mandate for Change, a compilation of diverse voices on every issue from teacher quality to transparency.

We also suggest guest appearances! NO state of the Union would be complete without a few special guests in the First Lady’s box. An opportunity minded president would invite:

REBECCA FRIEDRICHS – A veteran educator who, along with nine other California teachers, fearlessly spoke up for teacher freedom by bringing a case against the state requirement that they must fund their teacher’s union (even if they aren’t members) all the way to the Supreme Court.

CLINT BOLICK – Arizona’s newest Supreme Court Justice who has fought for School Choice since the beginning! In 2003, American Lawyer recognized Bolick as one of three lawyers of the year for his successful defense of school choice programs, culminating in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris in the U.S. Supreme Court.

MICHAEL CROW – President of Arizona State University who’s school topped U.S. News & World Report’s list of the most innovative schools in the 2016 college rankings. During Crow’s time at ASU, the university has significantly expanded online programs to reach thousands more and put its education school in the schools! ASU increased the number of National Merit Scholars by 61%, and helped improve access with the number of low-income Arizona freshmen enrolling each year has grown nearly ninefold and the population of minority students has jumped 62%.

HOWARD FULLER – He remains the Godfather of Educational Opportunity and his path-breaking book No Struggle No Progress said “Make no mistake about it: Education reform is one of the most crucial social justice issues of our time, and I will spend the rest of my days fighting for my people, most especially those without power themselves.”

We wish you luck this evening, Mr. President!




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