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Wishing On A SOTU

January 11, 2016

Each year we’ve hoped the President’s State of the Union Address gives attention to issues and ideas that can create substantive change for schools and students across the country.

While there have been some bright moments, each year what needs to be addressed continues to garner less concern than due- real, proven and effective approaches to fixing our broken system.


Last year we heralded tremendous innovations being produced across all sectors, and stressed the urgency that our Executive Branch begin to utilize the cutting edge developments being created and make the way for policy that would allow for their integration into schools and application in the classroom.

In 2014, we urged the President to send a signal to advocates of critical school choices for children — be they digital, in private schools or public schools — that his second term would be more about good ideas, no matter from which side of the aisle they come.

In 2013 we urged the president to encourage parents to learn about their power, or if they have little, to take action to get it at the local level. We stressed that it’s time for the Obama Administration to reward states which offer children in failing schools quality alternatives– among both public and private schools.

Prior to then, we’ve reflected on the SOTU address in a few additional manifestations:

From the Cutting Room Floor” -2010

And during George W’s Administration…

President Bush’s School Choice Legacy (Dan Lips)” -2007

“Please Save the Baby in the Bathwater, President Bush!” -2007

Chalk Talk – State of the Union” -2005

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