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a voice from the inside

March 21, 2006

Whatever you do, never call teachers’ union watchdog Mike Antonucci intolerant.  While he’s out on vacation, he’s invited a couple of guest bloggers to take the helm of Intercepts, and this week, it’s…a member of the NEA!

The transfer of authority from appointed staff to elected leadership within the NEA and its affiliates, whether it has arisen organically or as a result of the increasing connections between NEA and other more traditionally structured unions, has taken place within the context of an organization that is passionately committed to its culture of term limits. Regardless of whether or not one supports term limits, the approach clearly limits the quality, range, and extent of actual work that these leaders can experience. The clear advantage of the traditional NEA staff-driven system in this climate of term limits was that there was always a "grown-up" in the room when elected leaders were considering the strategic options facing the organization. And it is equally clear that that advantage is being sorely missed at all levels by the Association at the present time.

Go read.  And also check out today’s post about this individual’s job within the NEA.  See, like we said–tolerant.   

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