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Bioscience High School

May 22, 2006

No, really–that’s the name of the school:

At the new Bioscience High School in Phoenix, students will tap data into laptop computers and splice DNA in labs that would rival what is typically seen at colleges and research facilities.

The school building itself will be a teaching tool, with invisible sound barriers between study areas, cooling and plumbing systems left exposed for study, and impressions of fossils set into concrete walls.

The school, which opens in August, is in an ideal location: the heart of a downtown Phoenix biomedical campus that includes the global headquarters of the Translational Genomics Research Institute, the University of Arizona College of Medicine and the Arizona Biomedical Collaborative, a joint research endeavor of the state’s three universities.

"They’re going to be right smack in the middle of it," said MaryAnn Guerra, chief operating officer of TGen, whose daughter, Raleigh, 14, plans to attend Bioscience High. "It’s just such a wonderful opportunity."

Pretty cool.   The school’s website is here

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