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Confirmation: The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program Keeps Kids Safe

(Newswire, June 5, 2018) One of the comments you often hear from parents who choose to send their children to charter, or private schools is the simple desire to ensure their kids are safe – which, sadly, is often not the case in the schools that many children attend. But are those desires met?  According to The Hill the answer is a resounding yes! An analysis was conducted of the second-year results of the federal evaluation of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (the federally funded scholarship program that allows low-income families in D.C. to use public education dollars to cover private-school tuition for their kids).

Scholarship students who attended a private school were over 35 percent more likely to report that their schools were very safe. And parents of the students were about 36 percent more likely to report that their children were in very safe schools. It’s not a surprise but it is happy confirmation of what most edreform supporters have long suspected (or known in our hearts).

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