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60 Days Away: Education Discrimination Goes to Court in Historic Case

November 21, 2019

In Espinoza v. Montana, parental control & educational opportunity on the line as Supreme Court decides constitutionality of state’s “Blaine Amendment”

CER announces awareness campaign to educate public on Blaine Amendments’ controversial origin, what’s at stake for students & families


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Center for Education Reform (CER) issued the following statement today by CER founder and CEO Jeanne Allen to preview the forthcoming case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 2020, and to announce a new pro-Espinoza public awareness campaign to be conducted over the next two months. Read more about the case here.

“The countdown has begun to one of the most monumental education cases of this century. In two months, the Supreme Court will confront the Blaine Amendment’s long record of being used in Montana and 36 other states to threaten parental rights when it comes to providing children the best education possible. Between now and then, CER will be working to shine a bright light on the Amendments’ dark past in order to educate the public not only on the Amendments’ shocking original intent, but also on how they continue to harm our nation’s most vulnerable kids to this very day.

“There are many dimensions to this case, from parental choice to equality of access to religious liberty and First Amendment concerns, and our awareness campaign will convene voices from various communities to explore each of them. We know that the ramifications of this case’s outcome will extend far beyond the borders of Montana, and that this battle is about far more than mere abstract themes. The nation deserves to know the real-word consequences at stake. Mainly, if each state’s Blaine Amendment is ultimately stuck down, then potentially millions of American students will be given new opportunity to receive a quality education without fear of having it taken from them.”

From CER

Text of amicus brief filed by CER in support of Espinoza

Podcast featuring CER founder & CEO Jeanne Allen and Attorney Paul Clement, author of CER’s pro-Espinoza amicus brief

“The Problem With The Blaine Amendment” by Jeanne Allen (The Huffington Post, August 2017)

From other sources

Comprehensive background on Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue (Institute for Justice)

FAQ about Blaine Amendments (including history and current status) (Institute for Justice)

Report by U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: “School Choice: The Blaine Amendments and Anti-Catholicism” (government document)

The above material and more can be found at CER’s Online Blaine Information Headquarters.

Stay up to date with the latest news about Espinoza and the Blaine Amendments by following CER on Facebook and Twitter!


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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