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A Terrible Day for Teachers' Rights

June 29, 2016

Statement from CER Founder & CEO on Supreme Court Denial of Petition to Rehear Friedrichs Case

WASHINGTON, DC (June 29, 2016) — The following statement was issued today by Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, on the Supreme Court’s denial of a petition to rehear the Friedrichs v. California Teacher’s Association et al. case:

“It’s disappointing that freedom for teachers and their rights will have to wait another day. As we celebrate twenty-five years of charter schools and the innovation they brought to education — which were largely initiated by teachers seeking more autonomy to provide diverse learning opportunities for children — it’s unfathomable that we can still deny teachers the right to make their own decisions about how and under what conditions they should work.

We cannot succeed as a nation in educating our children if we cannot ensure teachers are involved in decisions about where and how they teach. We are thankful to Rebecca Friedrichs and her colleagues for bravely raising this issue, and all who worked to fight for teacher freedom. The fight for teachers’ rights must continue.”

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