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Charter School Innovation Advances in Congress

May 9, 2014

House Takes Positive First Step In Passage H.R. 10

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
May 9, 2014

In a victory for students everywhere and a testament to the grassroots power of charter school supporters, H.R. 10 successfully passed the House of Representatives in an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion.

“The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act is indeed about fostering innovation in the charter school sector,” said Kara Kerwin, president of The Center for Education Reform. “At its core, and the signature piece of the proposal is to incentivize states to encourage new schools that can meet the educational demand found in communities across the nation.”

Congratulations to Chairman Kline for his leadership, all allies of charters in the House of Representatives, and the indispensable reformers on the ground who successfully pushed for meaningful change and more parental choices.

By facilitating state and local officials to proliferate charter schools through a grant program, this legislation goes a long way in ensuring best educational practices reach more students, and reverses the unfortunate need for policies such as automatic school closures.

YOUR SUPPORT IS STILL IMPORTANT! Make your voice heard to Congress today regarding the Success and Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Act!

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