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Jeanne Allen Statement on Race to the Top Competition

CER Press Release
Washington, DC
July 24, 2009

Center for Education Reform president Jeanne Allen today released the following statement upon the announcement of the Department of Education’s guidelines for its Race to the Top fund:

“True reform of the country’s public education system will occur when all federal dollars are tied to innovation, not merely through individual programs such as today’s introduction of the Department of Education’s Race to the Top competition.

“Education Secretary Arne Duncan and President Obama put forth a grand agenda for transforming public education in America this afternoon, and for that they should be applauded.

”In doing so, they have called out many states for their leadership and singled out others for their refusal to shed old, comfortable ways.

”Education reform, however, is neither comfortable nor a race. It must be achievement-focused and come from a true desire to see America’s children succeed on a global scale.

”Reform that is bought can easily be voted away once the federal coffers run dry.

”We look forward to working with the President to make schools work better for all children by establishing high standards, providing choices for students and their parents, advancing teacher performance pay programs that are not necessarily union-approved but teacher approved, and ensuring legislators understand that true, lasting education reform comes only when long-term goals are combined with focused, thoughtful legislation.”

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